I was provided with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
As far as debut novels go, Cross has knocked it out of the park with Colony. With endearing characters and a riveting, plot-driven storyline, Colony easily gets five stars from me. This book has the quintessential mix of the perfect adventure novel: thrilling action, immersive settings, and realistic characters. Cross peppers in a bit of humor throughout, which helps temper the tension and drama between the characters and their predicaments. Not only are you racing across the arctic facing natural perils, but also the perils of nefarious outside influences. Cross does an incredible job of balancing the innate fears of being stranded in an arctic desert and the twists that crop up from the antagonists. I found myself speeding through this novel, anxiously waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Storyline aside, this book was incredibly well-written. It’s easy to tell that Colony was well-researched, and it contained just enough science and jargon to immerse me in the story without making me feel left behind. You can feel Cross’s own experience in archaeology shine through in the descriptions and actions of Callum Ross, lending it a tone of authenticity often lacking in other adventure novels.
I definitely recommend reading this one. Colony would be perfect for those who love James Rollins, Michael Crichton, and Douglas Preston.