Can’t Take That Away is a beautiful story about queer resistance,
strength, and the power of (re)claiming your voice. Carey Parker, in many ways,
is all of us. Their struggles with confidence, acceptance, friendship, and love
could strike a chord with anyone. Salvatore does an impeccable job of
submersing the reader into the modern trials, tribulations, and ongoing
discrimination of the LGBTQ+ community, especially in that of the younger
generations. Watching Carey overcome what faces them is not only inspiring, but
it leaves a lasting hope that with each passing generation will come more
tolerance, courage, and equality. While it would be lovely to live in a world
without discrimination, seeing realistic portrayals of the challenges queer
youth and adults face in today’s world create an even bigger impact by the
end of this book.
Salvatore’s writing is poignant yet lighthearted. Their
voice shines brightly throughout the dialogue and narration, giving the reader
an almost instantaneous connection to not only Carey, but every character in
the book (minus the hateful ones). With a dynamic cast surrounding Carey, it’s
hard not to fall for each of them as the story unfolds. The bisexual
representation is refreshing and realistic, and a welcome read in a YA novel.
Yet it is not only the characters that drive this story forward, but the
experiences, pitfalls, and longing that comes from being both queer and a teenager.
The hardships Carey and their friends face vary from superficial friend
disagreements to deeper concerns of identity, bigotry, and how to survive in a
world that might not accept you. With pansexual, lesbian, gay, and potentially questioning
characters, Salvatore builds a cast that explores multiple identities in a
careful and nuanced light. As Carey explains to their peers, not everyone is
out and proud, and it is up to everyone to create a safe and inclusive environment
to allow those still unsure of themselves to feel like they belong.
One of my favorite pieces of Can’t Take That Away was the
introduction and continued use of Carey’s bracelets (blue, pink, and
purple/white/green) which display what gender identity they’re feeling that
day. What’s more, is that each chapter title displays the applicable pronoun that
matches Carey’s identity at that given moment. There is so much care in the details
added to create a full image of gender identity and expression, and it’s just
one more reason why this book is so special. Can’t Take That Away sets a
precedent for how to write and explore genderqueer characters. Salvatore is
honest, vulnerable, and detailed in their descriptions of gender, how Carey perceives
themselves, and how it all ties back into self-confidence, owning oneself, and creating
Despite the bigotry and queerphobia of Sunnyside High School
as an entity, the multitude of supportive adult characters far outweigh the
negative ones. Between Carey’s mother (who I could only aspire to emulate),
their therapist, English teacher, and several other students’ parents, the list
of adults rallying behind and supporting Carey and their friends is beyond
heartwarming. It’s nice to see adults in a YA novel portrayed in this light.
Yes, there are awful people out there who want nothing but to tear you down,
but for every one of those, there are five more ready to stand up and fight for
(with) you. I greatly appreciated Carey’s relationship with their mother
and even more so their relationship with their Grams. Having lost my
grandmother not much older than Carey, the delicate care and love expressed in
her character and Carey’s relationship with her truly tugged on my heartstrings
and spoke to me in the deepest sense. It is not often queer novels, YA or non,
have supportive family figures. Every single parent of Carey’s friend group was
not only supportive, but loving, caring, and doting; quite refreshing.
Okay…THE MUSIC! As an avid musical theater lover and
someone whose life was/is shaped and explored by the music around them, I could
not get enough. Between the high school musical selection of Wicked, to the music
references of Mariah Carey, Troye Sivan, and Queen, the music nerd in me was
jumping for joy. Not only was music mentioned, but its execution within the
story was pivotal. Whether it was using a song to express emotion, words that
couldn’t be found, or a way to set the scene, each instance carried a weight
and purpose. I truly hope that any young people that read this book will look
up these artists and musicals if they don’t know them already. I also hope people
will walk away with a greater appreciation of lyrics and the importance they
carry in expressing (and discovering) oneself. There are several instances of
Carey writing their own music to help express their feelings, and it is not
only relatable, but impactful in understanding their mental health, hopes, and
While this book does talk about suicide and trauma, it is
done so in a careful manner. It isn’t graphic, nor is it gratuitous. If
anything, these instances are more than relatable and will probably ring true
to many readers. Salvatore penned an amazing “Note from the Author” at the end
of the book which delved into their personal story as well as resources for
those suffering similar thoughts and feelings as Carey (and a younger Salvatore).
I think it’s pretty obvious when reading a book to know when
an author bleeds their heart and soul onto the page. In that same vein, the
passion put into Can’t Take That Away is palpable. Carey is an incredible
character, and probably one of my favorites that I’ve ever read. They are brave
(even when scared), loyal, loving, and authentic. Their friends, Monroe, Joey,
Phoebe, Blanca and Cris are just as loveable, even if they are filled with
teenaged drama. Sometimes I read a YA and feel as though the adults are
portrayed as background characters without much thought and presence. Salvatore
blew me out of the water with their adult characters as much as they did with
the teens. Mr. Kelly was so beautifully written and fleshed out and reminded me
so strikingly of one of my favorite teachers in high school (talking about you
Mr. Berger). Carey’s mother was one of the most colorful characters and her unconditional
love and her fierce momming made me hope for her and Carey’s kind of
relationship with me and my own child…I can only aspire to share that kind of openness
and trust with my kid. The other parents showcased in Can’t Take That Away are
well-rounded, even if they are but bit characters in a single chapter.
The last thing I’ll touch on is the beautiful connection of
Carey to things taking flight; birds, butterflies, and even Elphaba. The
metaphors that Carey chooses to identify with – and even their mother mentions
it – is written in such a way that you can’t help but soar when Carey soars and
feel trapped and grounded alongside them. The entire novel is one giant,
rousing round of Defying Gravity, and I couldn’t be more here for it. It’s
fucking beautiful and almost every instance was flagged, screenshotted, and
jotted down for when I’m feeling low.
I think it’s pretty clear that I can’t say enough about this
book, and I’m sure I could go on and on for several more paragraphs. What I’ll
end with is this: read this book. If you are a young adult, gay, straight,
genderqueer, non-binary, trans, questioning, any letter in the LGBTQ+ alphabet,
read this book. If you are an adult looking for a story of perseverance, queer
joy, standing up to oppressive systems, read this book. If you are a parent,
read this book. Can’t Take That Away is important. I hope it allows young people
who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and those still on the outskirts, to feel
some level of unity, camaraderie, or even just a glimmer that they are seen.
Above all else, be like Carey. Be ambitious. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Be
yourself. The world will love you all the more for it.
This is the best article I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much. I want to see your writing every day. I’ll cheer for you to keep posting it! Have a nice day.메이저사이트추천